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I Need A Break... And Possibly A Drink

I have been consistently training for some long endurance event since October of 2017. My brain, body, and motivation is burnt out. Come on 10/28 so we can get this marathon OVER and on to the resting and strength building for next year!

I have been on hiatus. I am exhausted and anything other than what just had to be done this week has just been too much! As per normal, everything that could make this race more difficult has happened. Is it that when we aren't in manic taper we are not as sensitive to what is going on and things blow like this all the time or is it really that life knows when the event you have waited for all year is coming and decides to pound you down to a pulp?

Last weekend was a dud. I was completely plagued by the Brain Demon, I typed that I was unsuccessful all weekend, but I wasn't. I did house work that has been on the back burner for months, I actually sat in my recliner on a heating pas which my hip had been begging for, and I food prepped meals for the first time since the season began! So in hindsight, yeah I took an extra rest day and did nothing but walk Saturday, but I got back to life and fought the Brain Demon pretty damn hard.

Today we leave for DC.... Marine Corps Marathon is officially 2 days away and I am excited again. I have had a nagging hip injury that I thought was tendinitis in the attachment point of my IT band, which I have since discovered it is more likely to be bursitis. It is extremely painful, not while running, but has altered my gait to make other things hurt pretty bad while running. As I have taken the week really easy with 1 run session, 1 elliptical session, and walking ,with a little yoga, swim, strength in there, I have feel a ton better! The pain is subsiding and seems to be thanking me. I just hope that means a good race! The goal is never time, that isn't what I am about, but being miserable also is not what I want to do.

Goals for this race:

1. Run for 22 Too Many

22 Too Many is a non-profit organization that's mission is the following, "Our hope by raising awareness and educating the public is that we can help eliminate some of the stigma that surrounds military PTS and allow for veterans to seek and receive the help and social support they so desperately need and reduce the number 20 to 0."

Me and Mom both have an angel to wear on our backs for two marines that died too soon as the Brain Demon tricked them into thinking they were no longer needed on this earth and that they could not get help for their problems. On the wings of angels we shall soar.

2. Run for Craig

Craig Morris was a retired 1st Sergeant in the Marine Corps who was brutally murdered once he got back home. His family has been deeply uprooted because of his death and many friends that served with Craig were devastated. Sunday, I run for Craig's family. Craig and I will be together Sunday as I plan to wear a bib for him on my right thigh. He will get to see the Marine Corps Marathon finish line as we pass right by the Iwa Jima Monument.

3. Enjoy the Experience

This race is going to be gorgeous and a sight seeing adventure! The goal is to always have fun, but in particular with 30,000k+ of your closest friends!

Last, but certainly not least!

4.Out Run the Brain Demon and Raise Awareness for Suicide Prevention

It's all about the love y'all! Love each other, help each other, listen to each other!

Send us good vibes and check out our social media for photos of the journey!

P <3

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