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The Countdown Begins

Watching the beautiful snow fall as I am in the let down from a HUGELY successful race that I race directed for the YMCA I work for. We had about 500 participants in our race which means we made quite a nice chunk of money to put back into our community and supporting those who can’t afford our programs themselves. The day/week leading up were very stressful, but well worth the hard work to give back to our community and make such a big impact on the youth in our area.

Good things about my mind being productively busy:

-No extra time to think

-No time to be sad or dwell, I must stay on the task at hand

-The ability to drop any and all unnecessary issues to give myself 100% to what needs to be done

-Always going to give 120% to any and all things I am given to do

Bad things about my mind being productively busy:

-Ignoring festering issues

-Total emotional crash back to reality

-Lack of being needed/feeling needed

-Nothing to really work hard for

The snow days are a blessing. Yesterday I completely rested, my body and my mind needed it. When I say rested, I did much of nothing! Took a nap, worked on the SPAZ social media, watched Indiana beat Louisville (YEAH!), petted my puppies…. Yep that is about it. My body totally thanks me because the training has been ramping up over the past two weeks and with working 10-12 hour days the past two weeks, it hasn’t had adequate rest. My brain on the other hand, had time to catch up on lost time…..

The snow makes me so happy to watch. It comes in on a breeze and covers everything to hide all the imperfections and makes everything white, pure, and mysterious. Just like anything else though, it leaves things in it’s wake that we deal with for a long time to come. When it begins to melt, the real mess begins as it uncovers all it did such a good time hiding.

That is so the perfect analogy of my life when something busy that takes up my time and makes me use my talents and hard work comes and then leaves. The busy makes me happy and uses my abilities that make me feel needed and useful then it goes away and the crash of the nothingness comes back. The band-aid the busy work was is ripped off and all the raw wounds that it helped mask are fresh and need attention.

You know that feeling when you can see all of the issues, you can see an end result, but the steps it takes to get there are completely unimaginable? The point A and point B is a pretty clear answer but the path is full of loops and turns you can’t figure out how to navigate. Then I guess there is always a point A to Point B(1) or B(2) IE, the fork in the road, but hell that requires getting down the road somehow so you even get to the decision making points. Yeah, perfect example of snow day/let down brain games.

Let’s get into what the title of this post entails. The countdown is on for the start of 140.6 training. The official training plan begins 12/24/18 with a rest day LOL, then the work to the next 140.6 finish line begins. Some would say why 140.6? That takes a lot of time doesn’t it? I don’t even have time to get to the gym, much less train 15-20 hours a week, why do you do that? How do you do that? Here is the scoop on how these things get accomplished…. PRIORITIES! Training is a high priority! Yep, I miss out on a lot of “wild weekends”, yep, I don’t hang out with my friends as much (unless we are training), yep, I become a bit of a recluse, and yes, my house is probably dirtier than it ever is, but for those 5-6 months training is a higher priority for me. Why do something that changes and upsets your whole routine world? Because it is f*$&ing hard and it is the only thing that makes me feel alive!

Do you really know what it feels like to be alive? Have you ever had complete euphoria that completely takes over your body, something that makes you feel like an everyday superhero? I think for everyone this looks different. We all have something that makes us feel alive, not just like we are living. Are you muttling everyday just breathing or are you going through everyday LIVING! For some this may be the same thing so I’m here to say, sadly, you haven’t lived yet! Even the training for 140.6 I wake up everyday ALIVE! There are hiccups, the Brain Demon takes some training days from me, I get so tired I skip a workout or modify, that’s is part of the price of being alive, you live so hard for your dream you get tired and it seems exhausting and in the end, it is all okay and it is all worth it!

The countdown is on… T-Minus 13 Days

Then the next stop is May 12 at the Crystal Coast Full Booty Triathlon!

Don’t just exist, LIVE! Find your reason today!

Our Story ;sn’t Over!


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