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The Video Tells The Story

Sometimes the biggest challenge is sharing your own vulnerability with the world so we can realize we are all in this together.

I can't watch this video... A) I think my voice sounds weird in any recording of me, but B) the first thing my mom says to me when she watches the video "I cried a lot, are you comfortable putting out that much information?" Well, no I am not comfortable putting out that much information, but that is what it is about. Sharing the deep dark stuff to move past it with support and share my story with others who may understand it so we can all move past this point in our lives together.

This movement was totally founded upon the principles of trying to help other's combat their Brain Demon. Your Brain Demon can do a lot to you... He can cause you to binge eat, or not eat EVER, scream at your family, hide under a rock, cry in the shower, never take a shower, whatever it is we will not let him win!

This movement was also founded as a place for grieving families to do just that... grieve. I have found solace in lots of lonely, long miles that help to fight the sadness, anger, and disbelief. I am a firm believer that time does NOT heal all wounds, it just scare them over so they aren't as raw.

Yesterday after making this video I went to swim (not my favorite thing if you read any of my other posts), I cried in my goggles for 30 minutes.... but you know what, that is okay. I had a fantastic swim for me and I got to talk to my Uncle on his 60th birthday. He was with me, I could feel it. He knows this is for him, this is so other's do not have to go through this pain alone.

I want to spread Suicide Awareness and Prevention. There could be 7 of us like there currently are or there could be 7000 of us, no matter the case, I will continue to fight the Brain Demon, spread awareness and love to everyone, and give solace to any family, friend, or loved one that needs it after the loss of a dear family member to a cause that seems to unfair....

Keep Moving, Keep Listening, Keep Spreading the Love,


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